Friday, October 17, 2008

The "MegadethVsMetallica"

Yes. A very old topic. But still very much alive today. We have been debating a lot. Among friends and other forums. Don't get me wrong but my side has been always with Megadeth. Ever since I got introduced to Metal, its always been Megadeth.

So that no awkward questions arises as to why I am always with Megadeth, I'd like to clear it all. I have a friend(whom I am not at liberty to disclose his name as of now)who introduced me to Metal. He has always been a great fan of Megadeth and he gave me some audio cassettes. Megadeth was one of them, as you can imagine . Now, the first rock band I listened to was Petra, influenced greatly by my brother. But it was time to move on. Something heavier. Something more trashy. Megadeth answered the call. So, bottom line is I got into Megadeth from my friend.

Okhay! Now to the subject. I don't care what you think, or whether you're a Metallica fan. Megadeth rules. I have been inspired by Metal so much that I took up the guitar. And even though I'm not that good, I can pull of the riffs of most songs. Playing songs from both the bands, one can really know the difference, technical wise. What I'm saying is, the songs of Megadeth are far way harder then any of Metallica. One point for Megadeth.

My passion in music has attracted me to pretty awesome guitar players, who, may not have made it in the big time due to reasons beyond one's comprehension. But I have never met that one guy pulling of riffs and shredding solos, saying that Metallica is far off better than Megadeth. Bottom line, if you see someone shredding his a** off and pulling riffs like you've never seen before, don't ask him if he likes Metallica. You'll be lucky if he doesn't smash his guitar on your head. Two points for Megadeth.

Metallica, the biggest band in the world, why?? Because they are a bloody commercial, audience seeking bunch. Now, Megadeth hasn't earned much commercial success because, well, they don't care as much! Mustaine has always focused on what he believes and what he wants. And puts them in songs. Metallica on the other hand wants to be out there, be seen, be heard. And they did. They sway to the rythm of recording companies, coming out with more pop rock like albums. Thrash Metal band?? Hmm, I guess not anymore. Three points Megadeth.

So, my last comment is that I, as a true Metal fan, believes Megadeth is far more better and awesome then Metallica. The truth is, Metallica has always done okay. But Megadeth has been so awesome, regardless of what the rating says. I have met some hardcore fans of Metallica and they did say that St. Anger sucked big time. But I haven't heard a flopped Megadeth album to date. So, let me make this perfectly clear, Megadeth Rules!!!!!


Omoma said...

I ain't no "DIEHARD" Metallica fan...(i'm more Phil Anselmo and Mikael Akerfeldt)...but i have to just say...METALLICA IS BETTER DEN MEGADETH...Sure,Megadeth songs and guitar riffs may be harder to pull off(MAYBE)...but do dey sound good,are dey catchy,do dey grab the listener...i don't think so!!!...n wats dis shit about being "a bloody commercial audience seeking bunch"?...we live in a F**KIN commercial world n evry BAND wants freakin audiences and popularity...n Megadeth too is an audience seekin commercial band u know???Its just dat Metallica is SO much better at attracting more audiences and getting more fans dan Mustaine and his stooges...simply put METALLICA OUTSHINES MEGADETH IN EVERYTHING...what other excuse is der for a self-proclaimed,dillusional,Megadeth fan(or even Mustaine himself) to say but "Because they(Metallica) are a bloody commercial, audience seeking bunch. Now, Megadeth hasn't earned much commercial success because, well, they don't care as much! Mustaine has always focused on what he believes and what he wants. And puts them in songs. Metallica on the other hand wants to be out there, be seen, be heard. And they did. They sway to the rythm of recording companies,..."...n i just want to add dat i have nothin against Megadeth but i know the fact dat Metallica is better...n as this blog was ended with a "MEGADETH RULES",a typical thing a metalhead megadeth fan wud do!...lemme end my comment with...PANTERA MOTHERFUCKIN RULESSSS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


dude do u even play guitar to say this??????? metalllica outshines megadeth on ONE thing.and that is COMMERCIAL SUCCESS!!!thats it!
Megadeth outshines shitallica in terms of musical maturity and technical complexity.

i listen to pantera too. they rock! but i think u will agree with me when i say u like pantera because of their music n attitude n their "underground" feel! NOT because of their commercial success.i feel pantera became more n more underground with every album!!!! n thats why i like them.
And that is the whole point here. true metallica rocks TILL black album. but metallica today is NOT the metallica i used to know n grow up with. listen to st.anger. listen to death magnetic. then listen to master of puppets. feel the difference? listen to that new song "d day dat neva comes" its like a F****** combination of fade to black, sanitarium,one,nothing else matters! all they think of is money!
megadeth always maintains that fine line between not being too commercial and not being too underground. so shitllica DOES NOT outshine megadeth in everything!!!

Omoma said...

Do I even PLAY guitar???Nah!!!I DON'T play guitars,i dn't even know a single chord n i dn't even know how many strings r on a guitar n the sun is cold n the earth is flat...sheesh!!!
I agree Metallica's later albums SUCK compared to the older ones...but Megadeth has been trying to OUTSHINE Metallica for a long time,but just can't...i agree Megadeth makes AWSOME music but most of the "COMMON" people just can't relate to their sounds...while Metallica makes music that most people can actually,in a way "RELATE" to,or shud i say understand!...n Megadeth is damn well commercial is Metallica...maybe in "musical maturity and technical complexity" Megadeth is better but just compare the two bands thru out their long history,their success in the music world n all...Metallica has always been the better...wen u wanna be famous n earn lotsa money(n i believe Megadeth wants dat as well)n make it big in the music world...u gotta make music dat people will actually WANT n LIKE to hear...n Metallica has done dat better than Megadeth...n evn tho their new songs SUCK n Trujilo is someone i'd like to kill slowly n painfully,wenevr i look back on all da things Metallica has done...n compare it to Megadeth...i still have to say METALLICA OUTSHINES MEGADETH!!!...BTW,can't believe u asked me if i play guitar...u dn't know me d'u?Ask anyone who has heard of ME n seen me play!!!...OPETH RULES AS WELL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok ok take it your way.
metallica outshines in commercial success..
metallica outshines in mass appeal
metallica outshines in makin money

BUT Musically and Technically Megadeth outshines them! u cant deny dat. If creatin melodic songs just so day all common people can relate to IS the most IMP issue then take your pantera n opeth again. they dont have all the mass appeal. but it seems they r your favourite bands. would u accept if some say metallica OWNS pantera???? hell i wont! pantera are in a different league altogether n are better musicians than metallica will ever be. wat im tryin to say here is that "mass appeal" is not the biggest issue which makes a band great.
Opeth certainly doesnt have no.1 billboard hit. but everybody in the metal commty knows them n Respect them coz of their technical proficiency. they dont care a damn about having top chart songs. metallica on the other hand already lost respect in the metal commty coz they chose to be commercial. look at what they did to napster! its not that they r goin to be poorer when people use file sharin programs...
Al di meola or chet atkins or joe pass or allan holdsworth (list could go on endlessly) certainly doesnt have mass/common man's appeal . but THEY STAYED TRUE TO THEIR MUSIC n EARNED RESPECT.
after 1990s metallica was like " oh my gawd thrash is out, gotta be more modern" come early 2000s "oh my gawd grind core is out.." n tried to invent somethin new with st.anger which flopped. now they're playin it "safe " again with thrash elements in the lastest album which i think is an improvement over st anger. i respect slayer for stayin true to their music.

so bottomline is commercial success n mass appeal aint the most imp elements that makes a band great.

BTW i STILL dont know u.
n the reason i asked if ur playin guitar is because that was a lame statement for any serious guitar playin dudes! maybe u listened too much of metallica n too less of megadeth.
i comletely accept metallica as being more entrepreneurial n cunning in makin money n "reachin out to more wider audiences" ok sarcasm ends here...